Many, many families at our post will be leaving this summer. Today marks the first in a round of "leavings" of families that we will noticeably miss. Lovely people with kids, one of whom is an occasional buddy of our daughter, they are most prominently remembered as the owners of the swingset our daughter fell off of to fracture both her wrists last year.
It's nice, actually, that we'll leave at peak leaving season. Enough friends will be gone that we'll all realize it won't be the same here without them, yet enough will still be here that someone will care enough to say goodbye.
As I think we've made it clear by now, we are anxious to go, with the clear exception of having to pull our daughter out of a wonderfully positive experience and education at Rosslyn Academy. The hubby has been unflagging in his scheduling efforts - between the many logistics of getting our stuff packed up and shipped out, and likewise getting consumables purchased, packed, and shipped from the States on to the next post; as well as our one-week mini-Euro tour; and finally our extensive cross-America 5-week trek, it has been quite busy. Though not nearly as busy as it'll get once the packers start coming.
What have I been doing during all this? Sitting back and simply watching him plan, nodding and smiling at the appropriate times? Mostly yeah.
We have our last and very much anticipated guests arriving tomorrow. Tomorrow! I have been scheduling their local excursions, as well as tying up end-of-year room-mom, Girl Scout leader, and regular mom stuff scheduling playdates, practicing for the first-ever piano recital, and cooking for the many events that keep popping up.
But on the whole, I have a very sluggish feeling. I'm excited about getting to leave - getting out of Africa for a few years, going on vacation and visiting family and friends, as well as settling into our new post. I'm also sad or even discouraged about leaving -- it's very hard on the wee girl, there is so much to do and organize, and without really knowing what we are getting ourselves into at the next post, I can't help but reserve judgement.
Last night we spent time with the family that is leaving today. This morning, at least I have the perspective that it's not supposed to be easy. It sounds silly - of course moving countries is not easy - but I kind of thought after a while you'd just shrug and go on. Despite the strong face and the really awesome next post for our friends, however, they are definitely feeling the weightiness of goodbyes. It's one of those times when you realize that home is what you are leaving.
I guess we do just shrug and go on, but not without feeling a few butterflies in the tummy and pulls on the heart.
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